(citrus bergamia)

Article by Kaniz F. Shah

Botanical Name: Citrus bergamia
English Name:  Bergamot
Hindi Name: 
Popular Name(s): Citrus bergamia
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum/Division: magnoliophyta
Class: magnoliopsida
Order: spindales
Family: rutaceae (citrus)
Genus: citrus
Species: c. bergamia
Parts Used: Herb, roots, leaves, fruit, peel
Habitat: southern Calabria, Italy
Taste:  bitter, sour
Odor: sweet, lively, citrusy, fruity
Effect / Energy:  cooling
Extraction method: solvent extraction or vacuum distilled from the peel
Blends with: cypress, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, lemon, ylang ylang


Best essential oil for hope

Psychological Properties:

      uplifts, calms, refreshes, eases anxiety & minor depression, relieves anger & frustration

Subtle Properties:

      promotes hope & joy, brings in positive energy, lightens a heavy or wounded heart, Helps the heart to radiate love

Associated with:





Analgesic, antibacterial, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, digestive, neuroprotective, sedative, uplifting.

Plant Description:

Bergamot is a North American plant and one of the most sweetly fragrant herbs of the rutaceae family. It has mint-like foliage and honeyed heads of tousled blossoms with a natural fragrance that has made it a popular ingredient for perfumes and flavorings. The bergamot orange fruit has similar characteristics as the herbs.
The leaves and flowers give a delicious flavor and fragrance to salads, drinks (teas, water, punch, lemonade, etc.) and meat dishes. The peel of the bergamot orange is used to make essential oils that are used in flavoring, perfumes and aromatherapy. The oil of bergamot is used to fragrance Earl Grey tea as well.

Health Benefits of Bergamot:

  • Stress reduction:

    Bergamot essential oil is calming, refreshing and uplifting and, therefore, is used in aromatherapy to relieve depression, anxiety and stress and balance the emotions.
  • Digestive and vaginal support:

    It may help in proper digestion, intestinal worms, gallstones, ulcers, urinary tract infections and other bladder problems. Bergamot aids with cystitis (bladder infection) Its uplifting and relaxing qualities can counteract emotional imbalance and relieve stress and anxiety (caused by cystitis) that can further aggravate the physical problem. Bergamot oil can be put in a fizz bath to disinfect the genito-urinary system and help prevent the spread of infection from the urethra to the bladder. It can also alleviate the discomfort of vaginal discharge and yeast infections.
  • Fevers and colds:

    Bergamot helps relieve fevers, coughs, sore throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis and soothes the lungs. A tea made with the fresh or dried leaves is said to be beneficial for fevers or an upset stomach and has even been found to be soothing to the nerves.
  • Balances the appetite:

    In many cases bergamot has helped with anorexia nervosa because it balances the appetite control center of the brain, regulating the need to eat by allowing the body to know when it is okay to eat and then help it digest the food. There is a depression/anxiety around eating with anorexia, which on psychological levels, seems to be relaxed with bergamot’s uplifting and balancing qualities.

Bergamot for the Skin:

Bergamot oil can be added to moisturizers and other skincare products to combat acne, eczema, psoriasis and oily skin. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can fight infections like cold sores, insect bites, boils, etc. and keep your skin healthy. Used in a compress, bergamot extracts infections and draws out boils as it detoxifies and tones the skin. It is not recommended for application directly on the skin since it can be irritating. The use of bergamot should be avoided in direct sun (for 72 hours) as it can cause photosensitivity.


Bergamot and bergamot oil should not be consumed in large amounts because it may have harmful side effects when used in excess. Avoid direct sun for 72 hours after use. This article is for informational purpose only. Bergamot is not a treatment for any disease or condition. It is generally safe when used on the skin or hair, but to ensure safety, it is best to do an allergy test. Consult your doctor before using for medical purposes.


1. "Single Essential Oils." Modern Essentials: A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils. 4th ed. Orem: AromaTools, 2012. 49.
2. Graedon, Terry. Cancer. The Peoples Pharmacy Quick and Handy Home Remedies. By Joe Graedon. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2011. 170.
3. Bull, Ruah. "The Spring Months." Daily Aromatherapy Transforming the Seasons of Your Life with Essential Oils. By Joni Keim. Berkeley: North Atlantic, 2008. 42.
4. Classification:
Article last updated 11/15/14