(matricaria chamomilla)


Article by Kaniz F. Shah


Botanical Name: matricaria chamomilla
English Name:  chamomile
Hindi Name:   
Popular Name(s): chamomile, German chamomile, Hungarian chamomile, mayweed
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: asterales
Family: asteraceae
Genus: matricaria
Species: m. chamomilla
Parts Used: flowers
Habitat: Europe, Asia, North America, Australia
Height: 15-60cm
Effect / Energy:   
Extraction method:  
Oil blends with:  




  • Relaxing
  • sedative
  • anti-inflammatory
  • anti-spasmodic
  • mild laxative
  • bactericidal

Plant Description:

Chamomile is a plant with small white and yellow flowers and looks just like daisy flowers. It grown from 15 to 60cm tall and is widely used in medicine and herbal teas.

Health Benefits of Chamomile

Chamomile has relaxing and sedative properties and is used in bedtime teas to help lift the spirit and soothe the soul. It makes a great aid for digestion as it has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties and relaxes the smooth muscles found in the gut. It has an antibacterial effect on the skin and is often used to calm eczema, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and mouth sores. It also helps ease minor conjunctivitis. An infusion can be made with chamomile boiled in water. Let the infusion cool before using it and apply with cotton pad on the affected eye. The vapors from chamomile infused in hot water would make a great relaxing bath as well! It can be taken as a relaxing and healing tea by immersing 2 teaspoons dried chamomile flowers in hot water for 10-15 minutes, being sure the container is covered before use.
Other uses of chamomile include hay fever, muscle spasm, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers and gastrointestinal disorder.

Chamomile for the Skin & Hair:

Chamomile is used in cosmetics to reduce inflammation and as an emollient. It is also used to freshen or enhance blonde hair color.


This article is for informational purpose only. Chamomile is not a treatment for any disease or condition. It is generally safe when used on the skin or hair, but to ensure safety, it is best to do an allergy test. Avoid during pregnancy. Consult your doctor before using for medical purposes.


  1. McVeigh, Sof. Treat Yourself Natural: Over 50 Easy-to-Make Homemade Remedies Gathered from Nature. , 2013. 52.