(coriandrum sativum)


Article by Kaniz F. Shah

Botanical Name: coriandrum sativum L.
English Name:  coriander (seed), cilantro (leaf)
Hindi Name:  dhaniya, dhanyaka
Popular Name(s): cilantro (leaves), Chinese parsley, dhaniya
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: apiales
Family: umbelliferae (parsley)
Genus: coriandrum
Species: c. sativum
Parts Used: seed, leaves, stems
Habitat: South Europe, North Africa and Southwest Asia
Odor: woody, spicy, sweet
Effect / Energy:  leaf is cooling, seed is cooling
Extraction method: steam distilled from seeds
Oil blends with: bergamot, spice oils, clary sage, cinnamon, cypress, ginger, sandalwood


Best essential oil for creativity

  1. Psychological Properties:

    uplifts, refreshes the mind, mildly euphoric; relieves fatigue, tension & lethargy.
  2. Subtle Properties:

    encourages creativity, creative expression & imagination
  3. Associated animal:






Analgesic, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antispasmodic, antioxidant, antirheumatic, stimulant (cardiac, circulatory and nervous systems), antivomiting, diuretic

Plant Description:

Coriander, also known as cilantro, Chinese parsley or dhania/dhaniya, is an annual herb of the apiaceae family. The leaves are featherlike, known as cilantro, used in many eastern foods. Best known from its use in Indian cooking, coriander has become a popular herb with an earthy flavor.
Recent Japanese research suggests that coriander leaves can accelerate the excretion of toxic metals such as mercury (dental fillings), lead and aluminum from the body. Eating plenty of coriander is an easy way to remove excess metals from the nervous system and body tissue.

Coriander for the Skin and Hair:

A good spice and herb for the Pitta dosha.

  • Anti-Inflammatory:

    Coriander is anti-inflammatory and helps reduce skin irritations and inflammation.
  • Antifungal:

    It helps reduce fungus and situations like athlete’s foot. Coriander powder can be mixed with neem powder and applied to the scalp or around the toenails to help reduce fungus in the areas.

Health Benefits of Coriander:

  • Relieves Muscle Pain:

    Coriander oil is an analgesic for the nerves. It is used in aromatherapy to help relieve muscle aches and may help control menstruation pain and pains after childbirth. It also helps ease digestive upsets.
  • • Promotes liver & digestive health:

    Coriander promotes liver energy and helps improve the appetite. It also aids in relieving diarrhea, flatulence and indigestion and is sometimes added to laxative mixtures to ease griping pains. In Ayurveda, the plant is used for easing heat problems and inflammations especially those associated with the digestive and urinary systems. Coriander can be taken in teas or capsules.
  • Respiratory Problems:

    The seeds are often chewed to encourage coughing to clear phlegm and make a pleasant tasting addition to cough syrups.
  • Relieves Allergies & inflammation:

    The juiced plant is traditionally used in the East as a remedy for allergic problems such as hay fever, vomiting and skin rashes. It is also used externally for irritant or inflamed skin.

To Use:

  • Coriander oil is recognized as safe by the FDA for human consumption. To use, dilute 1 drop oil with 1 tsp. honey or in 4 oz. beverage. It is not meant for children under 6 years. Use with caution for kids over 6 years and be sure to dilute your drink even more to prevent any side effects.
  • seeds – decoction, 25g/1oz of dried ripe seeds to 750ml/ 1-1/2pt of water simmered and taken in three doses
  • leaves- are best eaten fresh or juiced and taken internally (5ml/1tsp, three times a day) or used as a lotion for rashes


This article is for informational purpose only. Coriander and coriander oil are not a treatment for any disease or condition. They are generally safe when used on the skin or hair, but to ensure safety, it is best to do an allergy test. Consult your doctor before using for medical purposes.


  1. "Single Essential Oils." Modern Essentials: A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils. 4th ed. Orem: AromaTools, 2012. 53-54.
  2. Bull, Ruah. "The Spring Months." Daily Aromatherapy Transforming the Seasons of Your Life with Essential Oils. By Joni Keim. Berkeley: North Atlantic, 2008. 55.
  3. Frawley, David. Ayurvedic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide. Twin Lakes, Wisc: Lotus Press, 2000. 94, 153, 185, 207, 221, 229, 410.
  4. Ody, Penelope. Essential Guide to Natural Home Remedies. London: Kyle Cathie, 2003.
  5. Book “Herbal Encyclopedia” by Doctor Hakeem Hari Chand