Design Gallery
Below are some symbols with their meanings from different cultures and faiths. Because different cultures used the symbols in different ways, some symbols may have very opposite meanings. We have listed as much variety as we could find from history (biblical times, prehistoric, cultural, religious, etc.), regardless of their positive or negative meanings. Symbols can be great for incorporating meaning into your henna and other body art designs. The beauty of symbols is that you can make them work for you as you see best and take the meanings you like and discard others.
More will be added periodically. If you find a symbol you feel we should add please let us know. Enjoy!
Plants & Fruits
DAISY: innocence & youth |
VIOLET: humility |
ROSE: hope, love, beauty, joy |
LOTUS FLOWER: birth, rebirth, a new beginning |
ORCHID: perfection
PANSY: thoughtfulness, remembrance, love
CROCUS: Abundance |
IRIS: symbol of royalty
APPLE: fruit of salvation, liberality, felicity, peace |
PALM TREE: prosperity and beauty
ORANGE TREE: purity, chastity, generosity |
POMEGRANATE: fertility, immortality and resurrection |
OAK TREE: strength, endurance and adversity |
CEDAR TREE: incorruptibility
CLOVER: trinity |
LAUREL TREE: eternity |
FIG TREE: fruitfulness & good works |
IVY: immortality
CHERRIES: sweet character & good works |
BEAR: Respect, Strength, cunning
BEE: Diligence, productivity, hard work, sweetness of character, spiritual riches |
BLACKBIRD: temptation
BUTTERFLY: soul, life cycle. Two butterflies symbolize a happy marriage. |
CAMEL: stamina, humility, patience, perseverence
CAT: laziness, contempt, liberty, vigilance, forecast, courage
DOG: loyalty, fidelity, Courage, vigilance |
DOLPHIN:security, joy, swiftness, diligence, love, salvation, charity |
DONKEY: measure of wealth, patience, humility
DOVE: peace, gentleness, faithfulness
EAGLE: rebirth, resurrection, highest inspiration, strength, bravery, alertness, protection |
FROG: life's worldly pleasures, fertility, healing, prosperity
GRASSHOPPER: Noble, home-bred, a symbol of the unbeliever
HAWK: endurance
HIPPOPOTAMUS: creative power
HORSE: A symbol of strength and prevailing spirit of the people.
LEOPARD: peace
LION: royalty, bravery, bravery, strength, ferocity, valour |
LIZARD: old age and wisdom, soul's search for awareness, death & resurrection
OWL: wisdom
PEACOCK: immortality, beauty, power, knowledge
ROBIN: courage
ROOSTER: passion
SCALLOP SHELL: A symbol of pilgrimage, because it was often worn by returning crusaders from the holy land. |
SCORPION: A symbol of treachery because of it's deadly tail. |
SNAKE:a symbol of evil, wisdom, renewal, rebirth, female energy, lifeforce, temptation, distruction |
SPARROW: freedom and humility
SPIDER: wisdom, evil force, good luck, bringer of joys from heaven
SWAN: Poetic harmony, learning, lover, light, love, grace, sincerity, perfection, hypocrite (black flesh under white plumage) |
TURTLE: chastity
WOLF: fearlessness |
BAT: good fortune | COW: emlightenment, reincarnation | DRAGON: power, evil, valiant defender of treasure; valour and protection | ANT: great labor, wisdom |
BEAVER: perseverence |
BEEHIVE: unity
THE CRESCENT: peace, victory |
THE SUN: justice
FLAMES: hell, martyrdom or torture, fire used as purification & renewal, sacrifice |
ANCHOR: soul, hope and steadfastness. |
THE KNOT: life. The idea that life in the human family goes on and on from one generation to the next without end. |
FEATHERS: peace |
SPIRAL: eternity, fertility, continual change, evolution