Article by Kaniz F. Shah

Botanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalis
English Name:  nutmeg
Hindi Name:   
Popular Name(s): ROSEMARY
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Rosmarinus
Species: R.officinalis
Parts Used:  
Effect / Energy:   
Extraction method: from leaves
Blends with:  


Best essential oil for mental clarity

Psychological Properties:

      promotes clear thoughts, rejuvenates, energizes, motivates, dispels apathy and mental fatigue, relieves nervous exhaustion

Subtle Properties:

      promotes mental clarity, strengthens and centers the mind, promotes insights and true understanding, enhances memory

Associated with:

      angel Gabriel and the kestrel (small falcon)






Plant Description:

The name rosmarinus means ‘dew of the sea’. It was a symbol of fidelity and was used in bridal wreaths and bouquets; it was burned as incense in Ancient Greece, sacred to the goddess Artemis, the huntress. During the 16th century, branches of rosemary were gilded and tied with ribbons, then given to guests at weddings or as New Year tokens for good fortune; they were also frequently used as fragrant Christmas decorations, along with holly and yew.

Rosemary is an evergreen shrub up to 4 ft high, with woody stems and strongly aromatic narrow leaves. In early spring it produces pale-blue or pink flowers, which are an important source of food for bees. The leaves are the most aromatic in July or August, and best picked then for drying. Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the flowering tips of the plant through steam distillation. It is one of the most popular aromatherapy oils.

Besides its various culinary uses, this refreshing and aromatic oil has great healing, medicinal and psychological effects which makes it beneficial for your health.

  • Sharpens the Mind:

    This oil is a great mental stimulant that boosts focus, concentration, memory and mental awareness. Being an excellent brain and nerve tonic, it is often used by students during the time of exams to improve concentration and memory. It also enhances cognitive functions, making is a great aid in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Boosts the Immune System:

    Both massage and inhalation of rosemary essential oil decreases the cortisol levels, thus scavenging free radical activity in your body.
  • Heals Respiratory Problems:

    The antiseptic qualities and scent of rosemary oil are effective in relieving throat congestion and hence, is used as a relief for allergies, colds, sore throats and flu. Being an antispasmodic, it is also used in natural medicine for the treatment of bronchial asthma.
  • Relieves Pain:

    The healing and anti-inflammatory properties of rosemary oil benefit in relieving headaches, muscle pains, rheumatism and arthritis. Massaging the affected area with this oil can relieve pain from muscles and joints.
  • Dental Health:

    The astringent and anti-bacterial properties of rosemary oil make it effective for conditions like bad breath, plaque build-up, cavities and gingivitis. Being a disinfectant, it is often used as a mouthwash for keeping your gums and teeth healthy.

Hair Benefits of Rosemary Oil:

Although rosemary is most often used as a spice to season foods such as poultry, sausage, soups and stews, it is also valued as an effective hair treatment that may slow the progress of premature hair loss by stimulating the hair follicles. In addition, rosemary may relieve dandruff and dry, itchy scalp.rosemary leaves it soft and shiny. Rosemary essential oil is known to promote hair growth and thickness. It can be used with carrier oils like coconut,olive or almond oils for maximum benefits. Following are the common benefits of rosemary oil:
  • Stimulates the Hair Follicles:

    Rosemary enables your hair to grow longer and stronger. It stimulates cell division and dilates the blood vessels, which stimulates the hair follicles into producing new hair.
  • Darkens Hair:

    This oil is known for its hair darkening properties. Massaging gray hair with rosemary essential oil will gently and softly darken the hair without the side effects of harsh chemicals.
  • Clears the scalp:

    Rosemary oil is beneficial for a dry and flaky scalp and may prevent premature baldness. Regular massage with this oil nourishes your scalp and helps remove flakes. It can be mixed with tea tree oil and basil oil for added benefits.
  • Great Conditioner:

    Using rosemary oil on a regular basis makes your hair soft and manageable. Thus, it is a great natural conditioner.

Skin Benefits of Rosemary Oil:

Rich in nutrients including iron, calcium, vitamins and antioxidants, rosemary in various forms —rosemary extract, rosemary oil and rosemarinic acid —is effective for many skin types and is found in skin care cleansers, soaps, face masks, toners and creams. This herb is used widely in aromatherapy as its stimulant properties refresh, rejuvenate and help you feel energized. Here's how this fragrant herb can benefit your skin.

  • Anti-Aging:

    Since it contains naturally powerful antioxidants, rosemary oil strengthens the capillaries and helps slow the effects of ageing on skin. It tightens sagging and loose skin to help it look firmer and more elastic. Additionally, rosemary stimulates biological activity and cell growth to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Reduces acne:

    With its powerful disinfectant and antibiotic properties, the herb can help reduce acne and oily skin conditions. Its cell regeneration properties are effective in treating visible skin conditions and replacing damaged tissue, thus reducing the appearance of scars and spots.
  • Lightens the skin:

    When massaged into the face, rosemary oil can help lightens dark spots and blemishes on the skin resulting in an improved skin complexion.
  • Prevents infection:

    The anti-inflammatory properties of rosemary extract help to reduce swelling and puffiness of the skin. It also helps to heal burns and soothe the skin. This herb's medicinal qualities makes it a powerful cure for chronic skin conditions including dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

Rejuvenates the Skin:

Rosemary essential oil rehydrates and tones your skin.


This article is for informational purpose only. Rosemary is not a treatment for any disease or condition. It is generally safe when used (diluted) on the skin or hair, but to ensure safety, it is best to do an allergy test. Consult your doctor before using for medical purposes.


  1. Bull, Ruah. "The Spring Months." Daily Aromatherapy Transforming the Seasons of Your Life with Essential Oils. By Joni Keim. Berkeley: North Atlantic, 2008. 78.
  2. McVeigh, Sof. Treat Yourself Natural: Over 50 Easy-to-Make Homemade Remedies Gathered from Nature. , 2013. 108, 126.