Article by Kaniz F. Shah

Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis
English Name:  Salvia officinalis
Hindi Name:   
Popular Name(s): Salvia officinalis
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Salvia
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Effect / Energy:   
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Psychological Properties:

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Sage is an evergreen, highly aromatic shrub up to 60cm tall with velvety aromatic grey-green leaves. In early summer it produces spikes of purple-blue flowers, which are very attractive to bees and butterflies. It requires light, well-drained soil in full sun and does not like too much water. Leaves can be harvested all year round but are most aromatic in August, pick them then for drying.

Sage is singularly good for the head and brain, it quickened the senses and memory, strengthened the sinews, restore health to those who have the palsy.Consider as health tonic and to eat fresh sage leaves in bread and butter.

Active ingredients:

Essential oil rich in thujone and other pungent aroma-chemical, also bitter, estrogenic compounds, phenolic acids, resin and tannins, giving antiseptic,antifungal, antispasmodic, diuretic and estrogen-balancing properties.

Skin Care Benefits:

Sage oil has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent properties and stimulates blood circulation to the surface of the skin.It contains antioxidants that help reverse signs of aging. These antioxidants provide your body with natural protection against free radicals that damage skin cells, causing aging. The herb is rich in calcium and vitamin A, which are needed against the assault of free radicals and for daily cell regeneration. This helps minimize and delay the onset of facial wrinkles. The anti-bacterial action of the oil can help to keep infections at bay. In skin care, the benefits of sage oil helps to regulate sebum production in oily complexions and tones skin and hair follicles. Preparations of the leaves of Salvia officinalis are commonly used as an effective antiseptic and anti-inflammatory remedy and possess anticancer activity. It also assists in improving acne and relieving symptoms of eczema and psoriasis.

Sage to Stimulate Hair Growth:

Sage has been used since ancient times as a remedy to prevent hair loss and reverse baldness. Some clinical evidence supports the belief in sage's hair-restorative properties. In a study published in the March 2006 issue of the "Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine," researchers concluded that beta-sitosterol, a 5-alpha reductase compound found in sage, improved male pattern baldness symptoms in volunteers aged 23 to 60. The University of Maryland Medical Center advises mixing three or four drops each of sage, rosemary and peppermint essential oils with 1 tbsp. olive oil and massage the mixture into your scalp twice a day.

Health Benefits of Eating Sage

  • Sage improves and boosts the memoryhk
  • The herb is rich in vitamin A and calcium, which are extremely important for the growth of teeth, bones and skin.
  • It boosts iron in the body, hence increases energy.
  • The anti-microbial properties present in sage help in the treatment of fungal and microbial infections.
  • The anti-bacterial properties keep the stomach, intestine, nose, throat, eats, genitals and eyes healthy.
  • The herb is extensively used as an antiseptic and in the healing process of surgical incisions, wounds and sores.
  • The oil extracted from sage contains camphor and camphene, which prevent and cure fungal infections such as dermatitis, athlete’s foot and other skin diseases and infections.
  • It possesses cholagogue and choleretic properties, which bring relief from acidity and promote digestion.
  • Sage helps with allergies and mosquito bites.
  • It packs many powerful antioxidants within itself, which protect cells from forming cancerous cells or getting damaged by oxidation.
  • The herb helps in regulating menstruation and prevents excessive sweating in women after menopause.
  • The herb helps in the digestion of fatty foods
  • A standard infusion of fresh/dried leaves helps cold, coughs, chest infections and influenza.
  • A strong infusion makes a good gargle for sore throats and an antiseptic mouthwash for ulcers and sore gums.


This article is for informational purpose only. Sage is not a treatment for any disease or condition. It is generally safe when used on the skin or hair, but to ensure safety, it is best to do an allergy test. Consult your doctor before using for medical purposes.